Exmoor Parish Council Meeting

Held at The Exmoor Forest Inn on Thursday 26th September 2019 at 7.30pm

In Attendance: Parish Cllrs F Schott (FS - Chair), A. Vigars, J Chanter, A, Chapman, T Gowlland (FS), Mr Steven Pugsley and Clerk & RFO C. Hornsby

Members of the public: 0

19/34                  Apologies for Absence - Frances Nicholson (FN)                                                                                             

19/35                  Declarations of Notifiable Interest - None                                                                          

19/36                  Approval of Minutes - dated  25/07/19 –FS proposed and TG 2nd and all AGREED that these were a true and correct record of what took place and the chairman FS signed them.         

19/37                  Matters arising from the Minutes – 19/24 (ii) vegetation on South Molton Road – AV reported that Highways had dealt with most of it.                                                                                 

19/38                  Finance Report (i) Bank Reconciliation: £5384.51 (ii) Invoice of £15 for training given to W&HPC to pay Exmoor PC and this was paid in to the bank account after the Statement. (iii) Clerks Pay and expenses:1st July to 31st September to be paid on 5th October. £208.18 CHQ no: 236 (iv) Taking in to account the above items that are not on the bank statement: £5161.33 (v) Not purchased minute books as yet. (vi) Financial Regulations (FR) - These were previously circulated and all cllrs have read, understood and are happy to authorise the said FR. They were proposed by AV and 2nd by JC and all AGREED that these are the new FR. (vii) Budget and Precept to be discussed in Nov meeting.                                                                                                                                                            

19/39                  Highways – (i) Salting of roads is now returned to as it was prior to the changes last year. This means the South Molton road will now be salted.  (ii) the road closure in October between Simonsbath and Exford was discussed and concerns about large lorries using the side roads was raised. SP to see if it will be open at certain times as it is the only main road across this part of Exmoor.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

19/40                  Planning             (i) 17/7/2019     6/14/19/107      Kinsford, Simonsbath – The Cllrs reported on an exclellent site meeting and were concerned for the owners as the delays are causing problems. All Agreed to approve the planning and also asked that a comment be made to ENPA regarding the delays enforced on the owners and if these could be dealt with as soon as possible. Clerk to email ENPA (ii) The Old Forge – FS reported that this is now being looked in to by the owner as a restoration project. All were concerned for the increase in traffic that this might cause, but would wait to see the planning application when it arrives.                                                            

19/41                  Parish Maintenance – (i) A knapsack sprayer was discussed as a way of keeping on top of weeds on the paths in the village as the cllrs do not want the path to go back to the state it was in before they cleared it in June. A suitable date for all cllrs, will be discussed in the November meeting, to collect all the leaves that have fallen. It was also thought that the road sweeper could be asked to do the path if any one saw them in the village.                                                                         

19/42                  Correspondence – SALC AGM Sat 26th Oct at Somerton                                                                                                                 

19/43                  Report from District Councillor – SP spoke about the Glover Review and the Social economic and well-being of the area. New National Parks were discussed. The leader of the DC and the chief exec had visited Exmoor                                                                                                                                                           19/44                  Report from County Councillor - none                                                                                      

19/45                  Report from the Simonsbath Steering Group and Trust – FS reported that himself and JC are now looking at the NHLF for the ability to employ someone part time to coordinate all events and ensure the building will be used. This could link with local schools and the sawmill. The parish council meetings will be held in the Old School once the building work is finished and so the January meeting could be in there. Many have now seen the inside of the building and all agree that it looks an amazing space. The Trustees are having a meeting on Tuesday 1st Oct to discuss roles. It was stated that the community space must not detract from the church but must complement it. The next stage is that the Trustees as a group will ‘hold’ the property but will need to be in conjunction with ENPA. Patrons were discussed. CH reported that the Heritage Open Day attracted 60+ people from various areas – past school pupils, 2017 Open Heritage day visitors, 2018 Archaeological Open Day visitors and people who had seen it on local TV news. CH reported that   sadly the bonfire site in the cottage garden would not be ready by 9 Nov and the area that was used last year has now been planted with native flowers and so we cannot use there either. The upper area above the Quarry is too far away and so the upper car park was a possibility. However this is not ideal as it would mean less cars in the car park and the fire would be next to a pile of rubble. Last year was so lovely and all agreed that a carpark bonfire is just not going to have the same atmosphere. CH suggested it was postponed till January when we can actually use the Old School and all agreed this was a good idea. SP suggested the Saturday before Twelth Night which is Saturday 5th January and all thought that would be perfect but holding the event so close after Christmas might be difficult for those organising it. The initially thought was to invite past pupils and all who have been interested in the project, however there will be an official launch event  in May inviting all these people, so the January event will be just for locals. TG, JC and CH will make sure that EVERY house is notified about the event, by hand. The event is still at the mercy of the completion of the building and the landscaped area around and so this will not go ahead if the outside area is unfinished. Advertising will not happen until we are certain we can do it. This means there is a possibility that it might be delayed again. A notice will go in the Across Exmoor stating the Simonsbath Sparkle is delayed but will happen in the new year.                                                                           19/46               Items for next   Budget and Precept                                                                             

19/47                  Date and Time of next Meeting -                                                                                                                  Thursday 28th November at The Sportsman Inn, Sandyway at 7.30pm -TBC

Future dates for your diary:                                                                                                                                          Thursday 30th January 2019 (tbc)                                                                                                                   Thursday 26th March 2019 (tbc)

Signed by Chair…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Date………………..