Exmoor Parish Council Meeting

Held at The Sportsman Inn, Sandyway on Thursday 28th November 2019 at 7.30pm

In Attendance: Parish Cllrs F Schott (FS - Chair), A. Vigars (AV), A, Chapman (AC), T Gowlland (TG)   and Clerk & RFO C. Hornsby (CH)

Members of the public: 2

Before the meeting began, the chairman asked the two members of the public if they wished to say anything. They spoke about the planning at 1 Westgate Cottages.

19/48                  Apologies for Absence   P Cllr J Chanter, D Cllr S Pugsley, C Cllr F Nicholson                                                                                            

19/49                  Declarations of Notifiable Interest AV for 6/14/19/108 Simonsbath Barton,        

19/50                  Approval of Minutes - dated  26/09/19   Proposed FS 2nd TG - All agreed these were a true and correct record and the chairman duly signed them.                                                                                      

19/51                  Matters arising from the Minutes  Discussed as the points arose during the meeting                                                                                                                 

19/52                  Finance Report                                                                                                                                                 (i) Bank reconciliation as of 5th Nov 2019 is £5191.33                                                                                     (ii) Invoices:  Shaw & Sons for two minute books £324.00 CHQ No: 251;                                                                                Clerk refund for internal auditor gift £30.00 CHQ No: 252 ;                                                                     Clerk pay & exp for Oct - Dec dated 5th January £214.48 CHQ No:253                        (iii) Budget and Precept for 2020/21: Clerk presented the accounts from the past and possible future costs. The PC discussed and it was proposed by FS and 2nd by AV to raise the precept by 10%.  The new amount for 2020/21 will be £2750.00 All Agreed, Clerk and Chair signed the paperwork which the clerk will send.                                                                                                                                           (iv) Clerk stated that due to miss laying the cheque book, she had contacted the bank who cancelled the cheques that were remaining and issued a new cheque book. The original cheque book has now been found and the remaining cheques have been crossed through.                

19/53                  Highways: Drains on the South Molton road are not running as well as they should after all the work that was done. Rain has washed away the surrounds to some drains. The drains from West Cottages to the parish boundary with Devon have become overgrown with grass. Clerk to email Highways all the details.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

19/54                  Planning                                                                                                                                6/14/19/108 Simonsbath Barton, Simonsbath: Proposed construction of greenhouse.           The PC fully support the above planning as it makes sense, it will not offend anyone’s view and by growing their own vegetables will reduce the amount of delivery lorries.               6/14/19/109 1 Westgate Cottages, Simonsbath:  Proposed Change of Use of fields to equestrian use together with erection of stable block and formation of associated yard.   The PC fully support the above planning as it will also enable their vehicles to keep of the road which is a safety issue. There was concern raised about drainage but the owners said that this is being looked in to.               

19/55                  Parish Maintenance It was agreed to leave this date until the spring when the last of the leaves on the beech trees have fallen. This will be on the January agenda.                                 


19/56                  Correspondence Clerk read several items of correspondence and the Cllrs requested to see the following items: Housing needs survey, Exmoor Area Panel notes and NALC guide to tackling loneliness.                                                                                                                                          

19/57                  Report from District Councillor   Not present                                                                                    

19/58                  Report from County Councillor  Not Present                                                                                     

19/59                  Report from the Simonsbath Steering Group  FS was pleased to report that the charity commission had granted the ‘Simonsbath and Exmoor Heritage Trust’ charity status. This means work can now begin to get started on fund raising and grant applications. There have been several meetings with ENPA to discuss the handover of the White Rock Cottage and Old School to the Trust, this will be a gradual process. TG announced a parish event that will be held in the Old School on Friday 28th February – details to follow.  CH said the Ashcombe Garden Volunteers (AGV) had begun clearing the cottage garden, however, work had now finished for the winter. The AGV will return in March 2020.                                                                                                                                        

19/60                  Items for next   Date for path clearance. Climate change declaration with other parishes. Recycling in the parish.                                                                                                  

19/61                  Date and Time of next Meeting -                                                                                                                  Thursday 30th January at The Old School -TBC

Future dates for your diary:                                                                                                                                                        Thursday 26th March 2020 (tbc) and Thursday 21st May 2020 (tbc)

Signed by Chair……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Date…………….