Thursday 24th September 2020 7.30pm The Old School, Simonsbath


Councillor(s):  Cllrs: F Schott, A Vigars, J Chanter, A Chapman, T Gowlland                                       County Councillor Mrs Frances Nicholson & District Councillor Mr Steven Pugsley

I hereby give notice that the Meeting of the Parish Council of the abovenamed parish will be held on Thursday 24th September 2020 at 7.30pm at The Old School Hall, Simonsbath

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business at the meeting as set out hereafter. Due to internet restrictions the council are unable to hold meetings via the internet, any one attending will meet at a social distance in the main room of The Old School, Simonsbath. 

Members of the public are invited to attend but they must contact the Clerk to give their details for the Track and Trace before the day of the meeting. There will be a period of public participation and members of the press and public are invited to address the Council 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the meeting at approximately 7.30pm, providing the notice period has been complied with. Please see Public Participation Notice on the website. If there are no items from the public, the official meeting will commence at 7.30 pm.

 Due to the current situation please note the following information and required actions:


Ø To ensure all safety measures have been identified, the Exmoor Parish Council has completed a risk assessment. Due to poor local internet availability the Parish Council are unable to conduct meetings via videotelephony.


Ø The meeting will take place in accordance with Government Covid Guidelines and social distancing measures will be in place. This is not a social event, it is an official working meeting and is exempted from six-person gatherings limit.


Ø To ensure that compliance with the Government Guidelines on Parish Council meetings during COVID 19 is adhered to, the parish council would be grateful if you would please email/phone the clerk if you wish to attend the meeting. Only 1 person from a household can attend. Please notify the Clerk 24hrs before the meeting.


Ø Please remember to bring and wear a face mask.


Ø Please ensure you use the hand sanitizer located at the hall entrance on entering and leaving the hall.


Ø The names and telephone numbers of everyone who attends will need to be taken before the meeting to comply with track and trace  stipulations. Please see point 28/30 on the Agenda about speaking at the Parish Council meeting.


Ø If nearer the time the guidelines change and it is no longer possible to meet in person the meeting will be cancelled and any urgent business will be conducted using the parish council Business Continuity Motion.


Yours sincerely

Charlotte Hornsby

Charlotte Hornsby - Parish Clerk - Hunt House, Honeymead, Simonsbath, Somerset, TA24 7JX                                                    Email: [email protected]      01643 821535   Website: www.parish-council.com/exmoor/



Agenda Cont. (Thursday 24th September 2020)

Business to be transacted:

28/20                 Questions from the public. Previously emailed to the clerk for an official record to be kept. Any member of the public may make a virtual presentation to the meeting (no more than three minutes),

by submitting a written summary to the Clerk no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting by email.

Alternatively, the Clerk will read the statement out in full if the member of the public does not want to attend in person.

29/20                 Apologies of Absence

30/20                 Declarations of notifiable interests Can be raised at specific points of the meeting.

31/20                 Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting held on 30/07/2020

32/20                 Matters arising from the minutes of 30/07/2020    

33/20                 Simonsbath Car Park update from ENPA – Rob Wilson-North

34/20                 District and County council reports.                                         

35/20                 Community Issues raised due to CV19

36/20                 Planning          None at time of publishing of Agenda                                                           37/20                 Finance     to include:  (i) Bank reconciliation; (ii) Invoices: Clerk Pay and exp July/Aug/Sep for pay on 5th Oct; SALC training; SW&T DC £100 for election 2019 admin fees (iii) Website upgrade                                                                                                                                         38/20                   Highways (i) parking on the bend (ii) Hotel hedge maintenance (iii) B3223 drainage (iv) Signage for carpark and toilets from Devon routes (v) warning of riders sign needed on all routes – raised during July meeting - update from FN                                      39/20                 Parish Maintenance   (i) Spray purchase                                                                 40/20                  Correspondence                                                                                                        41/20                    Report from Simonsbath & Exmoor Heritage Trust                                         42/20                 Chairman’s Notices                                                                                                    43/20                    Items for next Agenda                                                                                                                                             44/20                Date and time of next meeting: TBC for November 2020