Following the Prime Minister’s statement on
Monday 23rd March 2020 the Exmoor Parish
Council have been unable to hold their meeting which was due to be held on
Thursday 26th March 2020 to pass the Business Continuity Motion.
The Exmoor Parish Council have all agreed to pass this motion via email response, as they are unable, at the present time, to hold a public meeting. The Exmoor Parish Council understand that this is not recommended procedure but in the light of the present restrictions they feel it is the only way that the parish council can continue working. The councillors emailed responses will be kept on file by the clerk for future verification if it is required.
Business Continuity Motion to Council
In light of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and government advice, Exmoor Parish Council resolves that:
(a) Should the council be unable to meet for whatever reason, the Clerk be given delegated authority to progress all ongoing matters and projects and authorise all regular payments and incur expenditure in line with the council’s agreed budget.
(b) Any decisions taken under resolution (a) above will be taken, whenever possible, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of council and the relevant Committee Chairman (if appropriate). A record of all decisions and expenditure incurred under delegated authority will be kept and reported to members when the council next meets.
(c) The authority to decide the council’s response to planning applications be delegated to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of council. Whenever possible, members of council will be informed of applications out for consultation and will be invited to submit comments to the Clerk.
(d) The provisions outlined in resolutions (a-c) above will override any requirements to the contrary in the council’s standing orders, financial regulations or terms of reference.
(e) In line with government advice, staff will continue to work from home.
(g) Should the Clerk be unable to perform her duties, The Parish Council will elect a Councillor who will assume the role of Proper Officer and RFO in an unpaid capacity.
(h) The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman, may incur expenditure from the project earmarked reserve where such expenditure will help the community’s efforts to support those in need of assistance or prevent social isolation.
(i) Should government allow councils to meet virtually (online), the council will take all reasonable steps to facilitate this.
Agreed between 23rd and 24th March 2020 by email by the following councillors.
F.Schott, J.Chanter, A.Vigars, A.Chapman