Councillor(s):  A Howard (Chair), K Branfield, A Collins, J Down, T Lloyd, P. Soltau, W Lock,                        District Councillor S Pugsley & County Councillor F Nicholson


I hereby give notice that the next Meeting of the Parish Council of the abovenamed parish will be held at Withypool Village Hall on Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 6.30pm

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business at the meeting as set out hereafter. Members of the public are invited to attend.

Charlotte Hornsby

Charlotte Hornsby - Parish Clerk

Hunt House, Honeymead, Simonsbath, Somerset, TA24 7JX

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.parish-council.com/WithypoolandHawkridgeParishCouncil



71/19          Apologies of Absence


72/19          Declarations of notifiable interests Can be raised at specific points of the



73/19          Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting on 12/11/19


74/19          Matters arising from the Minutes of 12/11/19


75/19          Report by the District Councillor


76/19          Report by the County Councillor


77/19          Highways


78/19          Salt bins


79/19          Common Land working Group update


80/19          Finance report including (i) Invoice for Dan Passmore


81/19          Planning                                      


82/19          Parish Gardens


83/19          Parish Maintenance – (i) Benches quotes, (ii) Tree felling update


84/19          Correspondence


85/19          Report from representatives of other groups:

Withypool Village Hall, Hawkridge Village Hall, Henry Leigh Trust, Exmoor Panel, Consultative & Parish Forum


86/19          Items for January 2020 agenda


87/19          Date and time of next meeting:

                                    Tuesday 10th March 2020 Hawkridge Village Hall 6.30pm