Tuesday 14th July 2020 7.30pm via Zoom


Councillor(s):  A Howard (Chair), K Branfield, A Collins, J Down, T Lloyd, P. Soltau, W Lock,


I hereby give notice that the Meeting of the Parish Council of the abovenamed parish will be held via a Zoom online meeting Tuesday 14th July 2020 at 7.30pm

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business at the meeting as set out hereafter.

Members of the public are invited to attend the online meeting but will need to contact the clerk via email for a login to enable access to the meeting. There will be a period of public participation and members of the press and public are invited to address the Council 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the meeting at approximately 7.30pm, providing the notice period has been complied with. Please see Public Participation Notice on the website. If there are no items from the public, the official meeting will commence at 7.30 pm.

The chair will mute all mics once the meeting begins and if someone wishes to speak, they must raise their hand for the chair to see.

Yours sincerely


Charlotte Hornsby

Charlotte Hornsby - Parish Clerk

Hunt House, Honeymead, Simonsbath, Somerset, TA24 7JX

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.parish-council.com/WithypoolandHawkridgeParishCouncil


15/20                  Questions from the public. Previously emailed to the clerk for an official record to be kept. Any member of the public may make a presentation to the meeting (no more than three minutes), by submitting a written summary to the Clerk no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting by email.

Alternatively, the Clerk will read the statement out in full.

16/20    Apologies of Absence

17/20    Declarations of notifiable interests Can be raised at specific points of the meeting.

18/20    Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting on 02/06/2020

19/20    Matters arising from the Minutes of 02/06/2020

20/20    Matters managed using the Business Continuity Motion (i) Clerks pay and Exp for Apr, May June.

21/20    COVID 19 for the parish update

22/20    Report by the District Councillor

23/20    Report by the County Councillor

24/20    Highways

25/20    Finance report

26/30    Planning - None at time of Agenda Publication.                              

27/20    Parish Gardens (i) tenancy agreement renewals to be sent to two tenants in August.

28/20    Parish Maintenance to include: (i) Volunteer strimmer. (ii) New bench

29/20    Chairman’s Notices

30/20    Parish Community – including the social media page.

30/20    Correspondence

31/20    Report from representatives of other groups:

Withypool Village Hall, Hawkridge Village Hall, Henry Leigh Trust, Exmoor Panel, Consultative & Parish Forum.

32/20    Items for September 2020 agenda

33/20    Date and time of next meeting:

                                           8th September 2020 to be confirmed