The Meeting of the Parish Council of Withypool and Hawkridge

Hawkridge Village Hall, Tuesday 12th March 2019 at 7.30PM

Attendees: Parish Cllrs: A Howard (AH - Chairman), K Branfield (KB), A Collins (AC), T Lloyd (TL), J Davies (JD), P Williams PW), District Cllr S Pugsley (SP) Clerk C Hornsby (CH)       

Members of the public: 0

18/91    Apologies of Absence County Cllr F Nicholson (FN) Parish Cllr R Lock (RL)

18/92    Declarations of notifiable interests - None

18/93    Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting on 15/01/19 Prop AC, 2nd TL and the Chairman signed them as a true and correct record of what took place.

18/94    Matters arising from the Minutes of 15/01/19

18/77 (18/60) PW reported that some stones have disappeared but some still remain. She suggested that the water height marker was replaced and it was agreed to contact Highways as neither Exford nor Withypool Parishes put it there originally. Clerk to email.

              18/77 (18/64) Clerk reported that laptop had been purchased, full details in finance report.

18/77 (18/66) Clerk had been advised by BT that it was not something they would deal with and so to speak to the council. It had been agreed to enquire about having the tree surveyed

18/82 (i) the matter of salt bins was discussed at length. It was agreed to purchase £650 worth of bins as that is what the precept had been put up by for salting of roads. JD to look in to this.

18/95    Withypool Bridge Common Land - The sub-committee are still gathering information, so no formal decisions were made at the meeting.

18/96    Report by the District Councillor – SP raised the issue that the winter maintenance for 2019/2020 was under review. This could possibly mean that Withypool will be back on the gritting route but no formal announcement has been made yet. The new District council of Somerset West and Taunton will be officially starting on 2nd May after the elections. Withypool and Haworidge will be in the Exmoor Ward. SP said that if he is not elected to be the District Councillor then he hopes that the new DC will be at parish meetings as it is beneficial for all that they attend.

18/97    Report by the County Councillor None

18/98    Finance report

        I.            The building of the storage for the flood defence has been completed and the invoice cost of £1620.00 (VAT on top is £324.00 to be claimed back) has used up the grant of £1400 that was given some years ago and exceeded it by £220.00 The actual items needed for the flood defence still need to be purchased. Invoice was presented and all agreed for it to be paid with thanks.               CHQ No: 485 £1944.00 Lock and Sons

      II.            Invoice for £10 for the use of the Hawkridge village hall was presented and all agreed for it to be paid             CHQ No: 484 £10.00 Hawkridge Village Hall Committee

    III.            Clerk stated that she kept the purchase of the laptop to a minimum of which the parish council has paid £563.99 in full (Clerk used own money to make the original purchase). Once the VAT of £92.58 is claimed back and Exmoor Parish Council have paid their 3/8th of the cost which is £176.78, the refund to W&HPC will be £269.36. This means the cost of the laptop to W&HPC was £294.63 The cost of the security has also been purchased for £62.99 for 3yrs.  This will also be shared by the two councils. As the chairman suggested not to do the repair and protect cover as he feels he can fix most things with a laptop, the clerk suggested that the remaining amount of the £500 (that was originally proposed for the laptop) be kept as a reserve for any future cost of damage to the laptop. All agreed. CHQ No: 483 £563.99 Mrs C Hornsby – Laptop, Office lifetime license, bag                       CHQ No: 486 £62.99 Mrs C Hornsby – Security software 3yr licences

    IV.            There is the prospective purchase of salt bins at a cost of £650.00

      V.            The clerk stated that there may be election costs but cannot be sure of that till May. This could be between £500 and £1000

    VI.            Mark Sanders will charge for his time, which could be around £720.00 If solicitors are required in the future the minimum cost will be £500 if it is capped. So, it is suggested that an ear mark reserve is made for these costs. This will be raised at the May Meeting

   VII.            The precept has obviously been increased from £2580 to £3500 which will come in to effect in April 2019

 VIII.            rent of £120.00 for Plot C of the parish gardens has been received

     IX.            The balance of the accounts to date with flood defence box, laptop etc, security software and Hawkridge village Hall invoice and also parish garden payment taken in to account is £7090.72 and this is before VAT is claimed.

       X.            Dan Passmore quote of £580.00 to cut the grass in the parish from 01/04/19 to 31/10/19 was accepted

    XI.            Withypool Village Hall hire invoice was presented at £108.00 it was agreed to be paid                          CHQ No 487 £ 108.00 Withypool Village Hall

  XII.            Clerk pay for Jan, Feb, Mar at a cost of £315.41 and Oct, Nov, Dec expenses at a cost of £29.10 was presented for payment in April and it was agreed to be paid                                    CHQ No: 487 £344.51 Mrs C Hornsby – Pay and Exp

18/99    Salt bins and salting of roads – See 18/94

18/100  Highways

(i) Quarry head road is still a problem -Clerk to email Highways                                                           (ii) Drain above SP property entrance is not taking the water flow but lower one is.                 (iii) AH had a meeting with Jo Down about the drain that comes off the moors above Water               House Farm and the gully opposite The Firs Bungalow. AH got a quote from Graham Illing for      the work, which he then forward onto her and Peter Stucley, her land manager. Mr Stucley              says he will look into it and get back to AH.

18/101  Parish Gardens

(i)TH raised the point that walking guides for the area suggested using the Withypool                     carpark as it was free and then walk to Tarr Steps. This causes a problem for the village when             people wish to park in WIthypool and enjoy the village.                                                                         (ii) Mr and Mrs Scott who already rent land from the parish council wish to rent more land. (iii) Possible site of a larger carpark was discussed. SP spoke about the district carpark review           but it was thought of as too costly for the parish council to consider.

18/102  Planning             GDO 19/02 Huntercombe, Hawkridge                                                                                                        Prior Notification for proposed extension of existing cattle shed                                                                                                 The PC fully approved of the above planning application

18/103  Parish Maintenance – See 18/98 x regarding quote

18/104  Flood Defence – Sand box had been built and now it needed to be filled with the items in preparation for a flood. The Parish Council would like to thank Mr Lock for the work done.

18/105 Aims and Objectives (A&O) to be reviewed and approved – Clerk presented the A&O of the parish council. TL proposed and KB 2nd the A&O of the Parish Council for 2019 and these will be reviewed again in March 2020

18/106  Correspondence (i) Highways work for week commencing 4th March. (ii) Rural Housing survey will be posted to clerk on 25th March who will drop in to the post office to be circulated around the village. (iii) Insurance Co advert advising about cost of tree damage to parish councils

18/107  Report from representatives of other groups:

·       Withypool Village Hall -Forthcoming AGM

·       Hawkridge Village Hall - All present wish to comment on the brilliant carpark that Hawridge now had.

·       Henry Leigh Trust - applications need to be in by 31st March

·       Exmoor Panel - Gritting was discussed          

·       Consultative & Parish Forum - Meeting on 14/03/19

·       Historic signpost restoration project – JD reported this is now being run by a new person but the system to organise volunteers needs to be updated.

18/108  Items for May agenda – Election of Chairman and other offices, GDPR and Standing orders to be reviewed and approved, accounts to be presented and audit paperwork signed.

18/109  Date and time of next meeting:

The Annual Parish Meeting followed by The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Tuesday 14th May 2019 at Withypool Village Hall 7.30pm

Thanked JD for his service as he is stepping down from the PC, all agreed that his contribution will be missed.

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.45pm


