Tuesday 19th January 2021 7.00pm via Zoom



Parish Councillors:  A Howard (Chair) (AH), K Branfield (KB), A Collins (AC), J Down (JD), T Lloyd (TL), P. Soltau PS), W Lock (WL) District Cllr: S Pugsley (SP) County Cllr: F Nicholson (FN) Clerk C Hornsby, Members of the public: 2


01/21    Questions from the public. None

02/21    Apologies of Absence None

03/21    Declarations of notifiable interests None

04/21    Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting on 10/112020. These were proposed by AC and 2nd by JD and all agreed were a true and correct record of what took place. AH signed and sent to clerk.

05/21    Matters arising from the Minutes of 10/11/2020 - None

06/21    COVID 19 for the parish update - None

07/21    Report by the County & District Councillors – (i) FN asked about Broadband and Airband experiences within the parish. (ii) FN reminded all to stay safe due to CV19 pandemic, and adhere to all Gov restrictions and guidelines. (iii) SP spoke about the delay to Kitridge Mast which has no power to the site as yet. He will keep Cllrs informed. (iv) SP reported on the recent Exmoor Panel meeting which noted the best way to respond to road issues is via the Somerset County Councils (SCC) Road Defect Website https://www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/report-a-pothole-or-road-defect/ (v) SP reported on the Exmoor National Park (ENPA) planning training for parish councils and said there will be more later in the year.

08/21    Highways AH commented on the SCC road defect website saying how efficient it was. WL reported that the cattle grid on the Somerset/Devon border has filled up again – FN to chase up with SCC and Devon as to who is taking responsibility for it.

09/21    Finance report (i) Bank Reconciliation £7910.47; (ii) Invoices paid between meetings – Dan Passmore grass cutting invoice arrived two days after the Nov meeting and so Cllrs agreed for it to be paid before the Jan meeting. £ 580 Chq No 523 Dan Passmore ; Clarks Pay and Exp was omitted from the Nov Meeting by mistake and  was due for payment on 5th Jan 2021, Cllrs agreed for this to be paid £382.53 chq No 524 Mrs C Hornsby; (iii) Invoices presented at Jan meeting: Zoom invoice to be paid to AH all agreed for it to be paid. Clerk to arrange.  Chq no 525 £14.39  The Village Shop

10/21    Planning two for: West Hollowcombe Farm, West Hollowcombe, Hawkridge, TA22 9QL 6/42/20/110 Proposed variation of Condition 2 of approved application 6/42/89/113 to allow guests to occupy the holiday units throughout the year & 6/42/20/111 Proposed variation of Condition 2 of approved application 6/42/94/101 to allow guests to occupy the holiday unit throughout the year.



The parish council fully support the above changes to the previous planning applications but wish it to be stipulated that the condition is that permanent residency will not be able to occur.

11/21    Parish Gardens - None

12/21    Parish Maintenance - None

13/21    Chairman’s Notices - AH attended a meeting by Somerset Waste Partnership – this area will have new collection programme in spring 2021

14/21    Correspondence - None

15/21    Report from representatives of other groups:

Withypool Village Hall – no meeting due to CV19, Hawkridge Village Hall – No meeting due to CV19 but have claimed Gov grants to ensure it can continue, AH mentioned electric charging points for both carparks and KB and WL will look in to this. Henry Leigh Trust – new applications are being considered and £3000 was given out to 18 young people in the catchment, Polly to put the details on the village website as someone missed the cut off deadline, Exmoor Panel – as per 07/21 (iv), Consultative & Parish Forum – next meeting 18th March 2021

16/21    Parish Community – including the social media page update, events by other groups not listed in 15/21 - None

17/21    Items for March 2021 agenda - None

18/21    Date and time of next meeting:

                              9th March 2021 7pm to be confirmed nearer the time.



Signed (Chair)…………………………………………………………………………………………..Date